World Unity

like unto a symphony.

Melodies in counterpoint

working together.

Such deep longing voiced within;

Destined calling bids,”begin”.

For more on the case for world unity see


Walk Gently: A Haibun Poem

As viewed from the vastness of Space;

divisions of nation, creed, race, religion, custom, learned, uneducated,

orthodox or liberal, rich or poor, powerful or meek-

are not visible; but dwell only within the hearts of mankind.

The world of nature shows us strength in diversity.

Science gives us discipline and observation.

The telescope teaches awe and humility.

Knowledge overcomes age old barriers with mutual understanding and acceptance.

Faith in God nurtures love and grace.

Outer world vision brings dedication and service.

Inner self-worth gives inner peace.

As inspired by Cheyenne Tradition:

Walk gently through life.

Love Earth as your mother.

Care for your brother.

To see more on the case for world unity link to

Covenant Of Peace


A long time ago in ancient times, a man found favor amongst his kind.

God told Noah to build an Ark to shelter those who would follow.


For forty days and forty nights, the rains washed away the wicked from sight.

The Ark of the Covenant strong and true would shelter those who would follow.


The rains ended the rainbow shown, the sign of a Covenant now made known.

God would send His Messengers from time to time, to shelter those who would follow


Abraham, Moses, His Holiness Christ, Mohammad, Krishna and Buddha’s Light.

All promised One who would come again, to shelter those who would follow.


The atoms cry out, the dust transformed, a new World Order would soon be born.

With power and glory the Mount is crowned, illumined in the Light of Knowledge.


From time immemorial God’s great Call, has helped free Man from the beast in us all.

Teachers, believers spread the Word, the Covenant of His mighty Hand at work.


Angels from the Realms of Glory, the Concourse from on high is calling.

Arise oh people, arise, awake from thy bed of slumber.

Arise oh lovers, arise, take wing to the heights above!


Angels from the Realms of Glory, the Heavenly Hosts are waiting.

Arise oh seeker, arise, and cleanse thy heart from fancy.

Arise oh loved ones, arise, the promised Day has come, the promised Day has come.



Angels from the Realms of Glory, the Concourse from on High is calling.

Arise oh people, arise, come forth from your graves of heedlesness.

Arise oh servant, arise, make haste and heed the Call!


Angels from the Realms of Glory, the Heavenly Hosts are singing.

Arise believers, arise, take part in this Day of wonder.

Arise obediant, arise, come join in the song of peace,

come join in the song of peace,

come join in the song of peace.





Tapestry Of Space And Time

A Tapestry Of Space And Time

Interwoven tapestry of matter, time and light,

could we but see the handiwork, the cosmos in our sight.

Multi-hued majesty, a million trillion stars,

threads binding what we see and touch to realms immensely far.


Cycles of the universe play out their destined roles,

elements the same throughout from atoms to black holes.

Immensity, eternity, beyond what we can grasp,

Observers stand in awe of many mysteries so vast.


A mere ten light-years distant there is no Earth to be seen,

a speck of insignificance within the cosmic theme.

We now have found a thread that shows we all come from the stars,

midst myriad strands of tapestry, who do we think we are?


Yet, man alone upon the Earth can ponder at the stars,

and in his mind reflect upon the realms so near and far.

For more on the case for world unity see


Imagine world peace-

in harmony with being:

Chords of unity

celebrating individuality:

Vision penetrating deeper reality.

For more on serving the case for world unity see

Religious Unsustainability

Religious Unsustainabilty

War, terrorism, torture to mankind, done in the name of God, who is yet sublime!

“We have the right way,” is the cry that’s heard, God is on our side, can this be inferred?

Mutilation, Inquisition, condemnation, annihilation; actions are absurd, the reasoning obscured!

When will we see what must be truly done? New growth and knowledge, can victory be won?

“There is a right way,” as the trumpet sounds, with new awareness view the battlegrounds.

Education, contemplation, dedication, bringing forth a future of mankind, sustainable in time.

To see more about the case for world unity: see


The Song Of God Is Voiced In The Counterpoint Of Many Faiths

The Song Of God Is In Harmony With All World Faiths.

It is as a great symphony.

As more voices blend in diverse texture and development; as the same motif is expressed in different ways; so is the sweet melody of the Universal Savior expressed to Mankind.

Faith Listings:

Here you will find links to scriptures of many of the worlds great faiths. Holy Books are studied and compared revealing universal truths common to all.

Faiths are listed by their Holy Founders followed by the faith name.

>World Faiths introduction: “A Case For Peaceful Co-existence”. pdf


>Adam & Eve: Is Adam A Sinner Or A Savior? Search the evidence. pdf


>Abraham: “The Friend Of God” and “Father Of Nations”. pdf


>Zoroaster, Zarathustra: Zaota The Invoker, Zoroastrianism. pdf


>Lord Krishna: “The Song Of God” Hinduism.pdf


>Gautama The Buddha: “The Enlightened One” Buddhism. pdf


>Dekanawidah: “The Peacemaker” Of The Iroquois Nations pdf


>Native American Stories. Could These Be Parts Of Another Bible? pdf


>Jesus: “The Son Of God” Christianity: Deity Or Deliverer? pdf


>Muhammad: Islam, Moslem, Submission To God. pdf


>Baha’u’llah: “The Glory Of God” Baha’i: A New Revelation For A New Age


Captive Conservation, Or Is It Exploitation


Captive keeping and the subsequent breeding of those colorful, long-lived, intelligent creatures classified in the family Psittacideae and known as parrots is certainly a challenging yet captivating endeavor. Mankind’s fascination with these birds is recorded way back to the times of ancient Egypt, the Greek and Roman civilizations, and beyond. Yet only within the last 150 years or so of a contact lasting several millennia has the human race become a serious threat to the well-being of the very birds he deems so desirable. See

Ruination of habitat through loss of food, shelter, stable secure reproductive opportunities, and spreading pollution has directly contributed to the declining populations of many forms of life. One could say that the more noticeable decline among members of the parrot family seen in their native haunts is alerting mankind worldwide to the plight of all organisms large and small as they fall victim to the ever-growing, ever-encroaching, all consuming hordes of the human race.

People must acquire food and shelter to survive too and are also driven through millions of years of successful evolution to defend, nurture, and procreate their own kind but through the gifts of language, speech, cooperation, insight, adaptability, theology, and artistic expression Homo Sapiens has become the master of his environment. Man’s civilization and new found technologies have allowed him to become the most dominant species on earth and by his own misused influence, the most destructive.

It is indeed imperative that we learn to look upon Mother Earth in a new way; not only as a provider of our seemingly insatiable ever-increasing appetite for riches, bounty, and resources but also as a uniquely beautiful interconnected whole; entrusted to Mankind to care for in deepest respect for the Laws of Nature of which he is indeed a part. We must be careful of prideful ignorance. Our technologies, wondrous as they are, must not shield us from an appreciation and healthy respect for that from which we and all life on Earth have come. We are not separate in our own little synthetic environments but, rather, part of one indivisible, unchanging, everlasting whole.

I am not one to throw away modern technologies. We must only search for a balance between what we truly need and what we don’t need. I am writing this on a computer that makes composition so much easier, it has become a liberating tool. But at the same time, people must learn not to hoard, take everything for themselves, and amass such riches as to take away opportunity, choice, liberty, and happiness from fellow human beings — or the other living creatures of the Earth.

This rule of thumb applies to all our possessions including the pets we keep and breed for amusement. When an animal such as a dog, cat, or bird is altered to suit some short-term human standard of excellence but is replete with domestic bred mutations of form and color; is this animal a fit and healthy representative of its species where it can survive and thrive? Or, has it become a gross misrepresentation of itself and the multimillion year natural selection of well-honed evolutionary genetic diversity it represents?

The above question is an important one for all breeders of livestock to carefully consider. I am not advocating keeping all domestic animals in a “wild” form, I have enjoyed breeding mutation cockatiels for years. But it bothers me to see dogs with misshapen faces suffering from sinus problems, barnyard geese incapable of breeding with there own kind, canaries or budgies barely able to see and suffering tumor, along with feather problems, due to oversized structure. How much are we polluting the gene pool of the species? How much are we deforming their physiology for the show bench?

I have no answers. These are not easy questions. But I firmly believe the time has come to ask and at least think about them, for the genetic diversity of life on earth is in our hands as never before. Mankind has the power to directly change genetic sequencing to his will. May it be that his will be tempered with wisdom and wisdom enlighten his spirit. For more on ethics and looking at a global perspective link too


I want to list some of the extinct or near extinct parrots directly due to over-hunting and/or habitat loss. Remember; each time a species disappears a little more of the incredible diversity and resiliency of life on our planet is gone. We are slowly eating away at our own biological heritage. We are slowly consuming that from which we were made.

Carolina Parakeets were the only parrot native to the South Eastern United States. These colorful green birds with yellow heads and red faces were commonly seen in flocks of 200 to 300 as late as the 1830’s. Farmers could kill twenty with one shotgun blast as they were destroying haystacks. By 1900 Carolina Parakeets had all but vanished from the wild. The last known pair died in the Cincinnati Zoo where they had been captive for over thirty years in 1917 and 1918.

Cuban Red Macaws were plentiful as late as 1850. This bird looked sort of like a small dusky version of a Scarlet Macaw with it’s mostly red body, brownish red with green feathers on the back, and contrasting blue primaries on the wings. Natives destroyed nesting sites while hunting the birds for pets and food. By the 1870’s numbers had severely declined. Attempts of captive breeding were unsuccessful. As of now the Cuban Red Macaw is extinct.

Cuban Conures can still be found on the island of Cuba for they are not extinct – yet. However; none have been found on the Isle Of Pines since the early 1900’s. The pet trade took a heavy toll on the birds but deforestation in Cuba, to make way for modern development, is a major crises.

The Puerto Rican Amazon is yet another case of severe decimation at the hands of man due to the same repeating problems of overkill, capture and deforestation. Even as recently as 1903 children were allowed to stay home from school to scare parrots away from the family farm’s produce. Just nine years later the birds had vanished from Western Puerto Rica and were scarce in the East. These highly endangered parrots are now confined to the Luquillo National Forest and are stringently protected.

Lears and Glacous Macaws are two South American species perilously close to extinction. Again it is the same story of major habitat loss and capture for the pet trade. As with all other species of endangered animals it is not known if the population is large enough to guarantee a reproductive rate that will be greater than the death rate.

As of this writing all the macaws except the Blue & Gold and Greenwing are considered Endangered. Most all of the island species of Macaws, Amazons, Conures and the like are considered very rare and, most likely, on the way to extinction. Even if protective measures are successful and the birds that are left survive and reproduce their numbers are so small that long-term breeding will be threatened by a very small gene pool. This will lead to inbreeding resulting in weaker birds with less genetic diversity between individuals which, in turn, opens the door for a single disease to wipe out the whole population.

On a more positive side of things is the report of twenty nine rare Thick Billed Parrots brought back from Mexico and released into the Chiracahua Mountains in Arizona where they had not been seen for several years. Although some birds disappeared or died this 1987 release is generally considered a success. Also their are other species such as the Quaker and Shell Parakeets that are doing quite well as exotic feral populations in North America.

This may be a mixed blessing for overpopulation of any exotic import, due to a lack of predators or diseases, can have serious consequences to the native flora and fauna. The exotics could become pests and literally eat and drive away the original inhabitants out of house and home. Human agriculture with its exposed one-crop fields could become prime food sources for hungry legions of animals with few natural controls limiting their overproduction.

This is something to think about as people release unwanted pets to fend for themselves in an alien environment. Most likely the hapless creature will die of exposure and starvation or, perhaps, find a more merciful end by predation unless, of course, it is simply played with as a terrified toy by some well-fed domestic house cat who doesn’t need to hunt but still has the instinct to do so.

But some of these released animals; against all odds; survive, find a mate, and reproduce. This is what we must very carefully think about. To often in the past birds from foreign lands have been released where they fared only to well (Witness Starlings & English Sparrows). Humans must resist the temptation to repopulate an extinct bird with one of another species to fill the vacant niche; it probably won’t work.


A Dream Of Unity, A Dream For Change


(Written during a Mountain Top Removal coal mining conference May 2nd &3rd 2007)

Note: The impact of what I saw and heard was a deeply emotional experience. For more on this conference and Mountain Top Removal mining issues in Kentucky, visit

Also note: References to God the “Father” and ‘Mother Earth” are merely used as allegory. (God, Earth and humanity are likened unto the closely knit ties of a family.) In no way does this imply gender to “God the Father” or “Mother Earth”.)

David Britton

We all have a dream.
Deep within ourselves we share a dream.
Humanity longs for the time when an inner light shall be made manifest,

when the dawning of a new direction will be awakened; an era, a time when it is truly realized that we are members of one global family.


We are the children of Mother Earth. We came forth from the womb of the Earth, and will return to the Earth. We are a product of creation and therefore are a part and parcel of it.

Our Father, as Jesus says in the Lord’s Prayer, is“Our Father who art in heaven.”
1:27 NIV teaches,” So God created “man” in His own image, in the image of God he created him.” Thus, we were created noble as spiritual beings in the image of the Spirit ofGod.

That being said; it is clear the workers of the fields, the farmers, miners, administrators, polititians, professionals, black, white, poor or wealthy are all our brothers and sisters.

The Bible says to “honor thy father and mother”. Jesus said,”My family are those that follow me.”

It is high time we stop being children and grow up.

Let us treat our Mother Earth with respects and follow the guidance of our Eternal All-Knowing God who sees all from Heaven.

Baha’i Scripture states (“The Hidden Words” of Baha’u’llah)
Noble have I [God] created thee, yet thou hast abased thyself. Rise then unto that for which thou wast created.”

To the eternal I call thee, yet thou dost seek that which perisheth. What hath made thee turn away from Our desire and seek thine own.?”

God created humanity in his own image yet we have abased ourselves. God is calling us to arise to serve the Eternal and not our short-term profit-driven ideals. By serving God we, in turn, are serving His creation.


Comments To Christians

Some Comments and responses.

Truly, I find this Christian emphasis on Hell, fire and brimstone to bear little fruit. It only brings fear and faith based on fear. I fail to understand why some believers in the Christos Word of God cannot seem to get out of the “Hell Pit”. Many faiths, including Islam, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, along with Native American traditions have representatives of men of “crooked stature” or demon entities in their stories. Christianity is not unique. Yet, at the same time, these Faiths call on us to be servants of God and bear good fruit. We need to come together in love, not fear. We cannot keep saying,” If you don’t follow Faiths such as Islam or Christianity (depending on your upbringing) that you are automatically Hell bound. Inquisition and torture not withstanding; Jesus was a bringer of light to the world.

Yes, it is so true! The different faiths all teach love of God and love for humanity. If one looks past the outward symbols and differences due to culture and time in history, the essential message is like a thread weaving through a great tapestry of beauty, the blending of the diverse flowers of a garden or, perhaps, a contrapuntal theme in a great symphony of the Word of God.
We need the beauty, the guidance, the healing and wisdom given to us by the masters of these Faiths. If we could just see we are one humanity under a single God human world conduct would dramatically improve. We would see ourselves as one reality expressing itself in many wonderful ways.

It is so heartbreaking to see humanity locked in this prison of his own making. All of this inter-cultural inter-religious wrangling has no basis in fact. Science shows we are uncommonly closely related as a species. Mitochondrial DNA gives strong evidence of a common African (dark skinned) ancestor about 250 thousand years ago. Obviously, boundaries of nation creed or society are not visible from space but dwell only within the minds of mankind. When will we stop this ongoing abuse of ourselves? When will we come together in peace and understanding?
I would like to use your post on my site?
It is “serving the case for world unity”.

Why are Christians so afraid of being deceived? Did not Jesus teach us too,”love thy neighbor as thyself”? Did not Christ say he would come again and to “be watchful, for I will come as a thief in the night”? and later, when the disciples asked him,” how will we now the true from the false claims of his coming,” Jesus answered,” you shall know them by their fruits. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit nor a good tree good fruit.” I ask you the question: What are “good fruits”? Is it something to be afraid of?

For more the the case for world unity see