Tapestry Of Space And Time

A Tapestry Of Space And Time

Interwoven tapestry of matter, time and light,

could we but see the handiwork, the cosmos in our sight.

Multi-hued majesty, a million trillion stars,

threads binding what we see and touch to realms immensely far.


Cycles of the universe play out their destined roles,

elements the same throughout from atoms to black holes.

Immensity, eternity, beyond what we can grasp,

Observers stand in awe of many mysteries so vast.


A mere ten light-years distant there is no Earth to be seen,

a speck of insignificance within the cosmic theme.

We now have found a thread that shows we all come from the stars,

midst myriad strands of tapestry, who do we think we are?


Yet, man alone upon the Earth can ponder at the stars,

and in his mind reflect upon the realms so near and far.

For more on the case for world unity see https://worldpeacefulness.com

A Tapestry Of Space And Time

Interwoven tapestry of matter, time and light; could we but see the handiwork, the cosmos in our sight.

Multi-hued majesty, a million trillion stars; threads binding what we see and touch to realms immensely far.


Cycles of the universe play out their destined roles; elements the same throughout from atoms to black holes.

Immensity, eternity, beyond what we can grasp; observers stand in awe of many mysteries so vast.


A mere ten light-years distant there is no Earth to be seen; a speck of insignificance within the cosmic theme.

We now have found a thread that shows we all come from the stars; midst myriad strands of tapestry, who do we think we are?


Yet, man alone upon the Earth can ponder at the stars,

and in his mind reflect upon the realms so near and far.

To see more about the case for world unity: see  http://onenessbecomesus.com