
The Wind

Wind: force of warmth, a transport of delight,
breezes of eternity gives our spirit flight.
Seen from above, as Earth is viewed from space,
cares of our own mind are put into their place.

Seeking, sighing the wind now is crying,
do we not have ears to hear, our conscience is dying.
Wings outstretched, feel the power of its pull,
let the wind carry you to heights unfurled.


For more on the awakening spirit of mankind see

Tapestry Of Space And Time

A Tapestry Of Space And Time

Interwoven tapestry of matter, time and light,

could we but see the handiwork, the cosmos in our sight.

Multi-hued majesty, a million trillion stars,

threads binding what we see and touch to realms immensely far.


Cycles of the universe play out their destined roles,

elements the same throughout from atoms to black holes.

Immensity, eternity, beyond what we can grasp,

Observers stand in awe of many mysteries so vast.


A mere ten light-years distant there is no Earth to be seen,

a speck of insignificance within the cosmic theme.

We now have found a thread that shows we all come from the stars,

midst myriad strands of tapestry, who do we think we are?


Yet, man alone upon the Earth can ponder at the stars,

and in his mind reflect upon the realms so near and far.

For more on the case for world unity see


Imagine world peace-

in harmony with being:

Chords of unity

celebrating individuality:

Vision penetrating deeper reality.

For more on serving the case for world unity see

A Tapestry Of Space And Time

Interwoven tapestry of matter, time and light; could we but see the handiwork, the cosmos in our sight.

Multi-hued majesty, a million trillion stars; threads binding what we see and touch to realms immensely far.


Cycles of the universe play out their destined roles; elements the same throughout from atoms to black holes.

Immensity, eternity, beyond what we can grasp; observers stand in awe of many mysteries so vast.


A mere ten light-years distant there is no Earth to be seen; a speck of insignificance within the cosmic theme.

We now have found a thread that shows we all come from the stars; midst myriad strands of tapestry, who do we think we are?


Yet, man alone upon the Earth can ponder at the stars,

and in his mind reflect upon the realms so near and far.

To see more about the case for world unity: see


Religious Unsustainability

Religious Unsustainabilty

War, terrorism, torture to mankind, done in the name of God, who is yet sublime!

“We have the right way,” is the cry that’s heard, God is on our side, can this be inferred?

Mutilation, Inquisition, condemnation, annihilation; actions are absurd, the reasoning obscured!

When will we see what must be truly done? New growth and knowledge, can victory be won?

“There is a right way,” as the trumpet sounds, with new awareness view the battlegrounds.

Education, contemplation, dedication, bringing forth a future of mankind, sustainable in time.

To see more about the case for world unity: see


World Unity

Could we but know the true beauty of diversity. We are but a reflection of somthing much greater.

The Haiku below expresses…

Ecosystems show
diversity brings us strength;
Could we but see it.

There is an underlying case for world appreciation and peace shown in the natural world discovered by modern science; could we but see it.

For more the the case for world unity see

A Dream Of Unity, A Dream For Change


(Written during a Mountain Top Removal coal mining conference May 2nd &3rd 2007)

Note: The impact of what I saw and heard was a deeply emotional experience. For more on this conference and Mountain Top Removal mining issues in Kentucky, visit

Also note: References to God the “Father” and ‘Mother Earth” are merely used as allegory. (God, Earth and humanity are likened unto the closely knit ties of a family.) In no way does this imply gender to “God the Father” or “Mother Earth”.)

David Britton

We all have a dream.
Deep within ourselves we share a dream.
Humanity longs for the time when an inner light shall be made manifest,

when the dawning of a new direction will be awakened; an era, a time when it is truly realized that we are members of one global family.


We are the children of Mother Earth. We came forth from the womb of the Earth, and will return to the Earth. We are a product of creation and therefore are a part and parcel of it.

Our Father, as Jesus says in the Lord’s Prayer, is“Our Father who art in heaven.”
1:27 NIV teaches,” So God created “man” in His own image, in the image of God he created him.” Thus, we were created noble as spiritual beings in the image of the Spirit ofGod.

That being said; it is clear the workers of the fields, the farmers, miners, administrators, polititians, professionals, black, white, poor or wealthy are all our brothers and sisters.

The Bible says to “honor thy father and mother”. Jesus said,”My family are those that follow me.”

It is high time we stop being children and grow up.

Let us treat our Mother Earth with respects and follow the guidance of our Eternal All-Knowing God who sees all from Heaven.

Baha’i Scripture states (“The Hidden Words” of Baha’u’llah)
Noble have I [God] created thee, yet thou hast abased thyself. Rise then unto that for which thou wast created.”

To the eternal I call thee, yet thou dost seek that which perisheth. What hath made thee turn away from Our desire and seek thine own.?”

God created humanity in his own image yet we have abased ourselves. God is calling us to arise to serve the Eternal and not our short-term profit-driven ideals. By serving God we, in turn, are serving His creation.