Comments To Christians

Some Comments and responses.

Truly, I find this Christian emphasis on Hell, fire and brimstone to bear little fruit. It only brings fear and faith based on fear. I fail to understand why some believers in the Christos Word of God cannot seem to get out of the “Hell Pit”. Many faiths, including Islam, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, along with Native American traditions have representatives of men of “crooked stature” or demon entities in their stories. Christianity is not unique. Yet, at the same time, these Faiths call on us to be servants of God and bear good fruit. We need to come together in love, not fear. We cannot keep saying,” If you don’t follow Faiths such as Islam or Christianity (depending on your upbringing) that you are automatically Hell bound. Inquisition and torture not withstanding; Jesus was a bringer of light to the world.

Yes, it is so true! The different faiths all teach love of God and love for humanity. If one looks past the outward symbols and differences due to culture and time in history, the essential message is like a thread weaving through a great tapestry of beauty, the blending of the diverse flowers of a garden or, perhaps, a contrapuntal theme in a great symphony of the Word of God.
We need the beauty, the guidance, the healing and wisdom given to us by the masters of these Faiths. If we could just see we are one humanity under a single God human world conduct would dramatically improve. We would see ourselves as one reality expressing itself in many wonderful ways.

It is so heartbreaking to see humanity locked in this prison of his own making. All of this inter-cultural inter-religious wrangling has no basis in fact. Science shows we are uncommonly closely related as a species. Mitochondrial DNA gives strong evidence of a common African (dark skinned) ancestor about 250 thousand years ago. Obviously, boundaries of nation creed or society are not visible from space but dwell only within the minds of mankind. When will we stop this ongoing abuse of ourselves? When will we come together in peace and understanding?
I would like to use your post on my site?
It is “serving the case for world unity”.

Why are Christians so afraid of being deceived? Did not Jesus teach us too,”love thy neighbor as thyself”? Did not Christ say he would come again and to “be watchful, for I will come as a thief in the night”? and later, when the disciples asked him,” how will we now the true from the false claims of his coming,” Jesus answered,” you shall know them by their fruits. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit nor a good tree good fruit.” I ask you the question: What are “good fruits”? Is it something to be afraid of?

For more the the case for world unity see